Welcome to the Garrison!

Since Furnace started over the decade ago, the Garrison has become one of the UK’s premier venues for small, focused RPG conventions.

Now, at the time of writing, there are loads of different events at the venue – each with their own websites, social media presence and discussion fora. It is all getting a bit hard to keep track of! Never fear – here is a one-stop-shop for all of the Garrison gaming goodness you can handle.

NOTE: GETTING THE BEST RATE AT THE GARRISON: Remember when you are booking your room by phone (always by phone…) that you are going to a gaming convention, and you will get a discount on the standard room rate.

Conventions at the Garrison have been going for nearly 20 years, so there’s a lot of received wisdom about how they run, and some cheeky little differences between cons that might catch people out. To help people have the best experience, Graham and the team have put together a living FAQ for players new and old.

If you can think of any other information the site could have, drop me a line at vodkashok@gmail.com
